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NSR Technologies
 Networks, Switches, Routers







Networking Solution

In a world of advancing technology and faster Internet connections, we are now starting to see the true need for computer security.  With the explosion of the public Internet and e-commerce, private computers, and computer networks, if not adequately secured, they are increasingly vulnerable to damaging attacks. Hackers, viruses, vindictive employees and even human error all represent clear and present dangers to networks. And all computer users, from the most casual Internet surfers to large enterprises, could be affected by network security breaches.

Network security is about making sure that only those people authorized to access your network or read certain files can do so. Security measures are designed to keep unauthorized users - whether an outside hacker or a mischievous employee - out of your network. They ensure those trade secrets, strategic documents, customer files, and other data remains confidential and safe. Without a proper network security policy in place, a company can suffer significant damage in the form of network downtime, lost productivity, property theft, and worse.




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 Last Modified: 26-08-2019