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NSR Technologies
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Database Solution

In a competitive world where marketplace challenges change abruptly, information technology holds the key. The simple goal of IT departments everywhere is to deliver technologies that drive company performance. Your place at the center of your organization's business strategy depends on being able to deliver high-quality information to the right people at the right time.

Database Integration Technologies lay a foundation for standardized communications and effective information distribution. They open new doors by enabling you to integrate seamlessly with other enterprise applications and systems, and by providing a framework for proactive information delivery by:

  • Reducing data redundancy between different systems.

  • Relying on industry standards for object transport, message-oriented middleware, and enterprise directory services making our solutions easy to integrate with enterprise applications and systems you already own.

  • Letting users create their own personalized information portals by subscribing to preferred information channels and staying abreast of changes to pertinent topics as soon as they occur.

  • Getting any kind of information to the right people - Web visitors, suppliers, mobile phone users - just as soon as it's available.

Data Warehousing enables you to bring together a complete view of your suppliers, organization, and customers. This serves as the foundation for obtaining insights in a low-risk manner. Data Warehousing feeds the analytic and business intelligence capabilities of database architecture, forming an integrated solution for end-to-end delivery of intelligence that decision makers can act on.




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 Last Modified: 26-08-2019